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Beautiful Beginnings Doula Services

Studies done on doulas

Studies have shown that the benefits of having a doula for labor support include, but are not limited to:
  • A 36% reduction in use of pain medications
  • A 51% reduction in cesarean deliveries
  • A 71% reduction in forceps delivery
  • An average of one hour and thirty eight minutes shorter labor

Source: Scott, Berkowitz & Clause: 1999 California

Additional studies showed that mothers who had a doula for labor support:
  • Rated their birth experience as good 82.5%, No doula 67.4%
  • Felt they coped well with labor 46.8%, No doula 28.3%
  • Felt labor had positive effect on them as a woman 58.0%, No doula 43.7%
  • Perceived their bodies as strong 58.0%, No doula 41.0%

Source: Gordon, Walton, McAdam, Derman, Gallitero, and Garrett.

California, 1998. Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999

Beautiful Beginnings
664 Bowles Lane
Gardnerville, Nevada 89460

Educating, Empowering and Supporting Women...One birth at a time.